Examining the Bizarre Facebook Page of the Snopes ‘Fact-Checker’ of the White Helmets Terrorist Ruse in Syria


This post will delve into the Facebook postings, acquaintances and associations of Bethania Palma Markus who is the Snopes writer cited as the official so called ‘debunker’ of the claims that the White Helmets are terrorists posing as humanitarian aid workers in Syria. The official Wikipedia link of the White Helmets provides a citation from Snopes that leads to an article written by Bethania Palma Markus. Due to the fact that the Syrian war is such an important issue where millions of people are being displaced and killed one would think that highly professional and serious organizations/individuals would facilitate a proper non-biased investigation and verification of facts related to the war and organizations that facilitate Syrian war related propaganda. However, this does not appear to be the case. A quick look at the currently open Facebook page of Snopes employed writer Bethania Palma Markus shows that professionalism is being seriously disregarded.

Snopes which is used by Facebook and numerous mainstream media organizations for ‘fact-checking’ in the new “fake news” environment which was implemented, propogated and rolled out by the Washington Post and the secret group PropOrNot, is in fact employing a person whose Facebook page reveals them to be quite an odd character with many dubious connections that seem to point towards obvious bias and even online association with members of the FSA terrorist networks in Syria that are affiliated with the White Helmets who are in fact violent Islamic terrorists posing as humanitarian rescuers.

The fact that Snopes writer Bethania Palma Markus is considered the “go-to” source for accurate information on the White Helmets activities in Syria is truly an abomination and should be further examined by competent professional authorites. Here forth, I will layout the case that this person appears to be way out of their depth and is likely an incompetent propagandist. I will do this by utilizing screen captured images from their open Facebook page. The fact that Bethania Palma Markus left her personal Facebook page open for public viewing also should be taken into consideration when judging her competence, intelligence and character.

Link to the official Wikipedia White Helmets page where Snopes is cited for verification.


Screen captured images from the White Helmets Wikipedia page:


Screenshot of Snopes citation at Wikipedia page


Screenshot of Snopes cited link from Wikipedia page


Wikipedia link 77 leads to the following Snopes cited article


Screen capture from Snopes article cited by Wikipedia


The UNPROVEN claim put forth by Snopes is provided by Snopes employee Bethania Palma Markus as verified by the following screenshot also taken from the same article Wikipedia cited above


Clicking on Bethania Palma Markus’s name at the Snopes link provides a glimpse at her attached Snopes bio/articles


Now here’s where it gets really interesting and quite bizarre. The screen captured images below come directly from the Facebook page of Bethania Palma Markus. I have included snapped screenshots that include friends, associations and family members so that it can be easily verified that this is in fact the real Facebook page of Bethania Palma Markus. The page includes obvious Snopes affiliations, anti-Trump political biases, numerous media connections and various ‘friends’, some of which make up nefarious elements of the Syrian opposition forces associated with FSA terrorist groups.

Link to Facebook page of Bethania Palma Markus based out of Los Angelas, California

Screenshot of her Facebook page


Because the page is so bizarre I thought it necessary to add screen caps of family links in order for readers to understand that it is indeed her real Facebook page. Her friends list includes the controversial Snopes writer Kim LaCapria as well as Snopes founder David Mikkelson, plus various family members with the same name.


Long angle screenshot provides more defined context


Here is an example of an odd conversation from Bethania’s Facebook page


On February 7th she changed her Facebook profile picture to Fred Armisen from the TV show Portlandia. These odd and petulant posts beg the question “Why is a person who posts absurd things like this being considered as the “arbiter of truth” when it comes to the White Helmet terrorist ruse and the atrocities that are being associated with them and the horrific Syrian war which is taking place thousands of miles away from their own home in Los Angeles?”


A look at the pages she likes shows her connections……. and her obvious biases.


2nd set of likes…..oddly the Satanic Temple is included amongst her likes.


Now here’s where it gets much more interesting……this screen capture of people Bethania Palma Markus follows shows one Hamid Khalib who is one of the self appointed civilian ‘photographers’ who has been aligned with the FSA and the White Helmets who are actually terrorists posing as humanitarian rescuers in Syria. Hamid Khalib’s photos/propaganda is often used by Reuters and other western mainstream media outlets to provide propaganda information for public consumption, and for support of the overthrow of the Syrian government.


Link to my previous post on the aforementioned subject:

Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group

Now lets examine the link and screenshots from Hamid Khalib’s Facebook  page-



Note that in the photo above he is clearly on the side of the FSA. The FSA has been filmed on numerous occasions conducting atrocities and working with terrorist groups. Please see my additional posts related to FSA activities and connections to terrorist groups:

White Helmets Exposed: Numerous Videos and Photo Evidence Directly Link White Helmets to FSA Terrorists Torture and Atrocities

Note that Abdullah Badawi is the person in the lower photo sitting with Hamid Khalib at the table. Here’s a link to his Facebook page which shows that he shares the posts of Bilal Abdul Kareem who is one of the lead terrorist propaganda disseminators and has been filmed on numerous occasions giving praises and interviews to Abdullah al-Muhaysini who is the leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria. Bilal led the “Last Messages from Aleppo” propaganda campaign in December 2016 when Syrian and Russian armed forces liberated Aleppo from the terrorist groups.

Abdullah Badawi Facebook page plus screenshot: abdullah-to-kareem

Alternet December 29, 2016 – Bilal Abdul Kareem, Prominent U.S. ‘Journalist’ in Syria, Serves as Mouthpiece for Violent Extremists A closer look at Bilal Abdul Kareem’s body of work reveals an established record of creating sectarian propaganda for extremist Syrian rebels.

Video link -Bilal Abdul Kareem interviews al-Nusra Front terrorist Abdullah Muhaysini.

On Nov. 10th the US State Department designated the Saudi cleric terrorist number one and the leader of al-Nusra Front terrorist group in Syria.

Treasury Designates Key Al-Nusrah Front Leaders



Action Targets al-Nusrah Front’s Financial Facilitation Networks

Excerpt –

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took action today to disrupt al-Nusrah Front’s military, recruitment, and financing operations. Specifically, OFAC designated four key al-Nusrah Front leaders – Abdallah Muhammad Bin-Sulayman al-Muhaysini, Jamal Husayn Zayniyah, Abdul Jashari, and Ashraf Ahmad Fari al-Allak – pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of these designated individuals subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them.

These designations were taken in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, which today named Jabhat Fath al Sham as an alias of al-Nusrah Front – al-Qa’ida’s affiliate in Syria.

“From recruiting fighters to raising funds, these sanctioned individuals are responsible for providing key financial and logistical support to al-Nusrah Front,” said John E. Smith, Acting OFAC Director. “Treasury will continue to target al-Nusrah Front’s financial networks and choke off their access to the international financial system.”

Abdallah Muhammad Bin-Sulayman al-Muhaysini

Abdallah Muhammad Bin-Sulayman al-Muhaysini was designated for acting for or on behalf of, and providing support and services to or in support of, al-Nusrah Front.

As of late 2015, al-Muhaysini was an accepted member of al-Nusrah Front’s inner leadership circle. As of July 2015, Abdallah al-Muhaysini served as al-Nusrah Front’s religious advisor and represented al-Nusrah Front in an Idlib Province, Syria, military operations room. He has been involved in recruiting fighters to join al-Nusrah Front and helping to form a new al-Nusrah Front “state” in northern Syria. In April 2016, Muhaysini launched a campaign to recruit 3,000 child and teenage soldiers across northern Syria for al-Nusrah Front.

Al-Muhaysini has played a crucial role in providing financial aid to al-Nusrah Front. Between 2013 and 2015, al-Muhaysini raised millions of dollars to support al-Nusrah Front governance efforts in Idlib Province, Syria. As of early October 2015, al-Muhaysini had set up institutions providing financial aid to terrorist groups, including a highly successful campaign that he claimed had secured $5 million in donations to arm fighters.

End excerpt –

What all the above information points to is a serious breach of integrity on the part of Snopes and their obviously biased, immature and unprofessional writer Bethania Palma Markus. This person is supplying ‘fact-check’ data to Wikipedia, the mainstream media, the general public and social media sites such as Facebook on the Syrian war which is an extremely important geopolitical issue which affects millions of lives. A life and death issue such as whether the White Helmets are terrorists or not deserves to be examined by real investigative professionals, and the power to conduct such an investigation should not be charged to someone with such a strange, petulant mindset coupled with verifiable, obvious biases.

Further proof that Bethania Palma Markus’s Facebook page shows bias is in the additional friends she has under her friends list which include the following individuals and organizations:



The Black Lives Matter link she has on her page is also highly relevant due to the fact that George Soros supplied the group funding and he is also involved with the funding of opposition groups in Syria through Avaaz which is associated with MoveOn.org. Soros has a reputation for funding both sides of movements and hijacking SJW causes in order to incite conflict and produce desired results that benefit him.


Please see my research on the subject of Soros funding Syrian activism groups here:

Avaaz involved in Syria linked to MoveOn, SumOfUs, Purpose, Soros activism

Additional links related to Soros funding…..

Free Thought Project – Leaked Soros Memo Reveals Potential Plan to Use Black Lives Matter to Federalize US Police Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/soros-memo-blm-federalized-police/#ZcgW3S4RAWMYjcXo.99

Washington Times – Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations

The following link provides an example of how the Deep State and Snopes most likely really works……

Step 1: Create a false story (quote) and attribute it to other groups.

Step 2: Debunk the false quote while painting your adversaries as false news propagators

Pretty simple formula……..anyone can do it if they have enough money. Here’s an example of how Snopes debunks a story.

quote ostensibly uttered by billionaire George Soros about his goal of ‘bringing down the United States’ by funding ‘Black Hate groups’ is fake.

More Facebook friends and associates of Bethania Palma Markus highlighting Snopes media connections and what appears to be clear bias….






All these connections and apparently biased ‘reporting’ paints the larger picture of how war propaganda is being disseminated in the United States and around the world in the year 2017.

Caveat: All information contained in the above post was attained from open internet sources and Facebook webpages. All this information is considered theoretical for legal reasons, however, my asserted theories are backed up by information that the aforementioned parties either posted themselves or associated themselves with on their own open Facebook pages. This information provides a basis for examining the claims of the White Helmets further, as well as examining the role that Snopes and its individual content producers conduct in disseminating possibly false and misleading information related to the horrific Syrian war and the various ruses that are being playing out in the media sphere of influence over the general public.

Final point…..this is the link to the Satanic Temple that Bethania Palma Markus has under her Facebook likes…..

The Satanic Temple

These are screenshots from that page:



The ‘likes’ of Bethania Palma Markus are quite bizarre….. to say the least.

Filed under: Fake News Attacks, False Flaggin, Media Madness, New World Disorder, Syrian Ruses, The Deep State, White Helmet Terrorists Tagged: Bethania Palma, Bethania Palma Markus, FSA, Propaganda, Ruse, Snopes, Snopes fake news, Snopes propganda, Soros, syria, terrorists, white helmets 2331 1494168695 8 2331 1494168695 413 2331 1494168695 377 2331 1494168696 229 2331 1494168696 693 2331 1494168696 99 2331 1494168696 17 b


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