Commissione OPCW: sarin su corpi di sconosciuti ma impossibile stabilire causalità e nessi

La Commissione Onu designata ad indagare il presunto attacco chimico nella provincia di Idlib, non ha ancora trovato un legame tra attacchi aerei, la nube tossica e gli episodi di intossicazione verificatisi.

La commissione dell’OPCW, esaminando alcuni corpi delle vittime – portati in Turchia – ha stabilito che si tratta di sarin o ‘sarin like’, ossia una sostanza simile al sarin:

[su_quote style=”grid”]I campioni bio-medici raccolti da tre vittime durante la loro autopsia sono stati analizzati in due laboratori OPCW designati. I risultati delle analisi indicano che le vittime sono state esposti a Sarin o ad una sostanza simile al Sarin . I campioni bio-medici  di sette persone in trattamento presso gli ospedali sono stati analizzati anche in altri due laboratori OPCW designati. Allo stesso modo, i risultati di queste analisi indicano esposizione al Sarin o una sostanza simile al Sarin .[/su_quote]

Però, leggendo bene il comunicato si capisce bene che l’OPCW non trovato evidenze che un attacco chimico sia avvenuto a Khan Sheikhun.

Ha solo stabilito che i campioni biomedici dei  corpi  evidenziano una sostanza compatibile con sarin o simile. Ne consegue che questi risultati  sono indirettamente  in contrasto con tutti i fatti  riferiti, le tecniche e le metodologiche mediche osservati nei video e segnalati dell’incidente.

La proposta russa di creare una indagine più approfondita è stata respinta da alcuni paesi occidentali all’Onu. Mosca solleva dubbi sull’imparzialità dei membri della Commissione.

Il giornale online ‘Sputnik’ riporta che il ministro degli esteri russo Lavrov  ha detto che l’opposizione degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi alleati all’invio di esperti sul sito in cui si è verificato l’incidente per l’uso di armi chimiche nella provincia siriana di Idlib, è allarmante:

[su_quote style=”grid”]Indubbiamente le azioni degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi alleati occidentali, che hanno bloccato l’invio di ispettori per stabilire la verità sul luogo dell’incidente, sono molto inquietanti. E ‘ il tentativo di trovare una scusa per non conformarsi alla risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite sull’insediamento politico e per spostare l’attenzione della comunità mondiale in modo da creare i prerequisiti per un cambio di regime.[/su_quote]

Questo giudizio è aggravato dal fatto che in realtà ancora nessuno si è recato sul luogo dell’incidente nella zona di Khan Shaykhun per mancanza di sicurezza. La zona è occupata dal gruppo terroristico Tahrir al-Sham, che controlla l’area. Solo i White Helmet , a quando pare, girano indisturbati perché sono i terroristi stessi nel dopo-lavoro. Le uniche prove che hanno condotto alla rappresaglia USA sono state fornite da proprio da loro.
Questo il comunicato:

OPCW Director-General Shares Incontrovertible Laboratory Results Concluding Exposure to Sarin
Wednesday, 19 April 2017

  A meeting of the OPCW Executive Council.

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — 19 April 2017 — The Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) reconvened today to further address the allegation of chemical weapons use in the Khan Sheikhun area of southern Idlib in the Syrian Arab Republic. OPCW’s Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü updated Council members on recent developments regarding the OPCW Technical Secretariat’s activities.

Ambassador Üzümcü underscored that the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) continues its work using procedures and methodologies consistent with its mission and reaffirmed that the FFM has been endorsed by the relevant decisions of the Executive Council and applicable resolutions of the UN Security Council. He reiterated his full confidence in the professionalism and impartiality of colleagues comprising the Fact-Finding Mission teams.

The bio-medical samples collected from three victims during their autopsy were analysed at two OPCW designated laboratories. The results of the analysis indicate that the victims were exposed to Sarin or a Sarin-like substance. Bio-medical samples from seven individuals undergoing treatment at hospitals were also analysed in two other OPCW designated laboratories. Similarly, the results of these analyses indicate exposure to Sarin or a Sarin-like substance.

Director-General Üzümcü stated clearly: “The results of these analyses from four OPCW designated laboratories indicate exposure to Sarin or a Sarin-like substance. While further details of the laboratory analyses will follow, the analytical results already obtained are incontrovertible.”

In the meantime, the Fact-Finding Mission is continuing with interviews, evidence management and sample acquisition. The Director-General reported that an FFM team is ready to deploy to Khan Sheikhun should the security situation permit. He reminded the Executive Council of the 27 May 2014 attack on an FFM team and the action the Council subsequently took in emphasising the importance of safety and security of OPCW experts deployed to Syria.

The FFM is still anticipated to complete a first report of its findings to be submitted to States Parties of the Chemical Weapons Convention within two weeks and the Director-General will make the report available to the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism.

Ambassador Üzümcü repeated his request for the continued support of all States Parties, including through the provision of relevant information, to ensure that the Technical Secretariat is able to pursue its work, and to allow it to fulfil the OPCW mission within a reasonable time frame.

The Executive Council decided to reconvene tomorrow, 20 April, to vote on a draft decision under discussion.

[su_heading style=”modern-2-blue” size=”21″ align=”left”]Background[/su_heading]

The OPCW Fact-Finding Mission initiated its work on 5 April 2017 after the Technical Secretariat’s preliminary assessment that the 4 April incident was a credible allegation.  The FFM is led by, and predominately comprised of, experienced and impartial inspectors with support from experts from various units across the Technical Secretariat.

[su_heading]OPCW Designated Laboratories[/su_heading]

The OPCW has been organising and conducting Official Proficiency Tests since 1996. Under the provisions of the CWC, the purpose of these tests is to certify laboratories for the analysis of authentic samples. As a result of efforts by the OPCW and States Parties spanning many years, it became possible to build-up an open-ended network of OPCW Designated Laboratories.

OPCW Designated Laboratories are a lynchpin of the Organisation’s verification regime and its capacity to investigate possible violations of the Convention. They must be able to perform off-site analysis of chemical samples collected by OPCW inspectors from chemical production facilities, storage depots and other installations, or from the site of an alleged use of chemical weapons, and provide forensic proof if a violation of the Convention has occurred. These laboratories offer the necessary assurance to our States Parties that chemical analyses needed to make determinations or to clarify issues occurring during OPCW inspections are carried out competently and with unambiguous results.

The Proficiency Tests are conducted on a twice-yearly basis and are open to all interested laboratories from OPCW Member States. Applicants need to achieve high scores on three consecutive tests to be awarded the status of Designated Laboratory. There are currently 18 OPCW Designated Laboratories in Europe, Asia and the United States of America.

More Information

  • National Statements and Other Documents for the Fifty-Fourth Meeting of the Executive Council
  • OPCW Executive Council
  • OPCW Fact Sheets

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The Hague, The Netherlands
+ 31 70 416 32 42
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